Friday, June 13, 2008

The Taos Hum

I was reminded recently of one of the stranger phenomena that is going on today. I am Talking about the Taos Hum.

For those that are not familiar with the Taos Hum. The Taos Hum is a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming noise heard by residents of Taos, New Mexico. It has been described as sounding like “a diesel truck idling in the distance”. Some people hear the Hum continuously, but others perceive it periodically. For some people, the perceived hum can represent a faint sound and a mild annoyance. while for others who perceive the hum or vibrations more intensely it represents a nuisance that can seriously interfere with daily activities. A common problem associated with the hum is a lack of sleep. The hum can keep some people awake or wake them in the middle of the night. Such cases have given rise to the expression "Hum sufferers."

It was during the 1990s that the hum phenomenon began to be reported in North America and known to the American public. At that time a study by the University of New Mexico of complaints from many citizens living near the town of Taos, New Mexico, caught the attention of the media. It is labeled the Taos Hum because that is the first place it really received any publicity. In othe rareas the hum is labeled by the location like the Bristol Hum. Reports of a low frequency hum come from many places in the world. Taos, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Europe just to name a few.

Well what the heck is this!

Well there are many theories on what the hum might be. In the case of Kokomo, Indiana, the source of the hum was thought to have been traced to two sources. The first was fans in a cooling tower at the local Chrysler plant emitting a 36 Hz tone. The second was an air compressor at the Haynes plant emitting a 10 Hz tone. Seems to me this is possible. Audio frequencies my be able to mix and create a third frequency. When this happens with radio frequencies it is called intermodulation distortion.

Other possible causes include:

Man-made noises

Infrasound made by geological events

Pulsed microwaves

Electromagnetic waves caused by meteors

Extremely low frequency communications systems

Ionospheric heating systems


The tensor tympani muscle making the eardrum tremble

So as you can see this phenomena is much larger than we can cover in a single blog post. It is however something that might be the focus of further examination. My best advice at this point if this subject appeals to you is to “Go forth upon the web and reap the copious amount of the instant information available thanks to the God.”

Of course, I have my own theory. I feel the Taos Hum can be explained as a military black project to communicate with crypto terrestrials at a U2 / Joe Walsh rock concert inside their secret base / spaceport at the center of the hollow Earth or it could just be my neighbors rolling boom box rolling through town.

But that is just my theory.

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Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Friday, June 6, 2008


I was rereading the file on the O'hare airport incident and I thought that you folks might be interested in thin link.



Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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