Friday, June 13, 2008

The Taos Hum

I was reminded recently of one of the stranger phenomena that is going on today. I am Talking about the Taos Hum.

For those that are not familiar with the Taos Hum. The Taos Hum is a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming noise heard by residents of Taos, New Mexico. It has been described as sounding like “a diesel truck idling in the distance”. Some people hear the Hum continuously, but others perceive it periodically. For some people, the perceived hum can represent a faint sound and a mild annoyance. while for others who perceive the hum or vibrations more intensely it represents a nuisance that can seriously interfere with daily activities. A common problem associated with the hum is a lack of sleep. The hum can keep some people awake or wake them in the middle of the night. Such cases have given rise to the expression "Hum sufferers."

It was during the 1990s that the hum phenomenon began to be reported in North America and known to the American public. At that time a study by the University of New Mexico of complaints from many citizens living near the town of Taos, New Mexico, caught the attention of the media. It is labeled the Taos Hum because that is the first place it really received any publicity. In othe rareas the hum is labeled by the location like the Bristol Hum. Reports of a low frequency hum come from many places in the world. Taos, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Europe just to name a few.

Well what the heck is this!

Well there are many theories on what the hum might be. In the case of Kokomo, Indiana, the source of the hum was thought to have been traced to two sources. The first was fans in a cooling tower at the local Chrysler plant emitting a 36 Hz tone. The second was an air compressor at the Haynes plant emitting a 10 Hz tone. Seems to me this is possible. Audio frequencies my be able to mix and create a third frequency. When this happens with radio frequencies it is called intermodulation distortion.

Other possible causes include:

Man-made noises

Infrasound made by geological events

Pulsed microwaves

Electromagnetic waves caused by meteors

Extremely low frequency communications systems

Ionospheric heating systems


The tensor tympani muscle making the eardrum tremble

So as you can see this phenomena is much larger than we can cover in a single blog post. It is however something that might be the focus of further examination. My best advice at this point if this subject appeals to you is to “Go forth upon the web and reap the copious amount of the instant information available thanks to the God.”

Of course, I have my own theory. I feel the Taos Hum can be explained as a military black project to communicate with crypto terrestrials at a U2 / Joe Walsh rock concert inside their secret base / spaceport at the center of the hollow Earth or it could just be my neighbors rolling boom box rolling through town.

But that is just my theory.

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Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Friday, June 6, 2008


I was rereading the file on the O'hare airport incident and I thought that you folks might be interested in thin link.



Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Friday, May 30, 2008

Mufon case file on Aurora Texas

I thought you might like to give this a read. It's pretty interesting.
This is the MUFON case file on Aurora Texas. Let me know what you think.

Aurora Texas Crash Part 1 MUFON Case File.pdf

Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Linda Moulton Howe

What the hell is wrong with this women?

Well let me back up a minute. My BS detector is running full tilt over this gal.

I understand that she is supposed to have graduated from Stanford with a Masters degree in communications. I also understand that
she has spent far to many years producing Television, Radio, and documentary films. I also understand that she has received three "Regional" Emmy awards (none for investigative reporting), a Peabody, and was an also ran for a national emmy. She has also
collected an arm ful of minor awards.

Now I am not here to list her entire resume. I am here to ask what the hell is wrong with this women? I had almost let go of the anger I had over her running around in west Texas a few years ago propagating the "Cattle Mutilation Myth". Come on Linda, every school kid in Texas knows what a cow looks like after it has cooked in the Texas summer sun for a couple of days. Let us not forget the opportunistic scavengers while I am thinking about. "Oh no, there is no way a varmint could have eaten the tongue out of that cow!" Damn Linda, you've done wildlife documentaries, Give me a break.

Well like I said I was almost over that. I thought she did a pretty good job with the great bee extinction of 2007. Some fine reporting in my opinion. Then she comes up with the fake "Chad" photos and we're off to the races again. For those that don't know in the summer of last year some photo shopped pictures appeared of a goofy looking supposed space ship with "Star Wars" lettering all over it. Well Linda is sure they are real. It doesn't matter that every imaging expert that has examined them has proclaimed them crap.

Now I don't care what a person does to their own creditability but there are folks that believe her. Ben Grundy over at Mysterious Universe is one of them. Now I have the highest regard for Ben. He is a top notch podcaster, but these "Chad" pictures are even starting to undermine his credibility.

All I ask is "Linda find something that is not so totally fake". Your turning into Whitley Strieber, He has been flogging the same grey aliens for thirty years and his credibility is none existant.

Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Aurora, Texas

Some time back I was having a discussion on the ERRIE Radio forums about Aurora, Texas. The guy I was having a discussion with turned out to be a hammerhead so I went else where. I thought that you mightr be able to get some information out of this. so here it is.

Well I've been looking around and have also put my hands on some of the casework from the 1997 MUFON investigation. I am still trying to work through the MUFON stuff there is a lot of it. A friend of mine over at MUFON say he thinks the case is still open.

Let's start with “airship”. We as human beings tend to use the language of the time in which we live to describe things. Old Hags is a good example. Incubus, Witches, The Old Hags, Shadow people and Aliens have all been explanations for some instances of sleep paralysis. The first cars were referred to as “Horseless Carriages”. Some even believe that the phrase “Chariots of fire” describe extraterrestrial vehicles. So in the 1890's in north central with the minimal literacy level that prevailed there at the time most people might describe the “cigar shaped craft” described in some of the literature surrounding the Aurora crash as an “Airship”.

In the 1890's there was a rash of sighting not only in Texas but many other states. The majority of the sightings in Texas were in the pine forest of east Texas but a few were in north Texas. Most were described as cigar shapes craft that seemed to move under their own power. My first thought was Blimp or Zeppelin. So I did a little digging.

In 1852 Henri Giffard attached a steam powered engine to a hot air balloon and traveled seventeen miles at five miles an hour. That was the first dirigible.

David Schwarz constructed the first dirigible airship in 1896, which was tested with partial success November 3, 1897.

Alberto Santos-Dumont was the first to use a gasoline for his airship which flew for the first time on September 18, 1898 in France, The gasoline engine being invented in 1896.

Ferdinand von Zeppelin obtained a patent for his “dirigible balloon” on August 31, 1895. Construction of the first Zeppelin began in 1899. The first Zeppelin flight occurred on July 2, 1900.

It would have been difficult for this new technology to show up in Texas in the 1890's in my opinion.

OK, the town of Aurora. The town of Aurora Texas is situated within an hours drive from most parts of Ft. Worth Texas. It has never been very large and today only has about nine hundred residents. It has been a military town off and on since the 1860's. Starting as a cavalry outpost of the original Fort Worth and continued to be used by the military for most of the twentieth century. Most notably In world war two it was a used as refueling point for planes being transported from coast to coast. Most people think that Texas is one big desert but Aurora is situated in a part of the state that in more like southern Oklahoma. The area is largely grassy rolling plains with lots of trees.

Most of the of the articles I find calling Aurora a hoax seem to stem from an interview with the town historian in 1973. In that article she said that the town cooked up the story to attract people to the town because the railroad had passed them by. Town historians in a small town in Texas are normally someone that works at the local library or a busy body that has nothing better to do than sit around and listen to stories from others in the town. The crashed was almost eighty years in the past in 1973. The historian must have been very young or not even born when the crash occurred.

Last but not least in this post. There is still the issue of the grave and the artifacts in the well. The body of the pilot of the craft is supposed to be buried in the local cemetery and some metal that was recovered from the crash is said to have been dropped down a well. the owner of the well later became sick from contaminated water and sealed the well. In 1997 when a request was made to exhume the body in the cemetery the local judge denied the request. The current owner of the property where the well is located has refused to allow the excavation of the well.

There you go, a little food for thought. I think I'll keep digging. What are your thoughts?

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Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Lake Erie Video

I recently heard about the Lake Erie Video so I went and found it so I could take a look. I was amazed. How lucky is it that these guy's were in the right place at the right time with a video camera to record for posterity proof of the existence of UFO's. It is my opinion that everybody should see this video so that they know we are not alone.
Here take a look at the video I'll wait.

Lake Erie Video

Now I have lived within the same fifty mile area of north Texas for forty three years now and I have seen a lot of stuff in the sky. About twenty miles west of here is DFW international, about forty miles west of here is the Carswell Joint Reserve Base, and seven miles north east of here is Mesquite Municipal Airport. The point I am getting at is that yes I have seen many lights in the sky. I have also seen many shiny silver cylindrical objects moving through the air.
In forty three years I have only seen three or four that I could not identify, The rest were airplanes.

The first time I saw the Lake Erie Video it took me ten seconds to figure out that the UFO's over Lake Erie were lining up to land at an airstrip and that they were at least one or two miles away. It is my understanding that UFO's are vertical take off and landing vehicles so lining up for a landing is kind of silly. Maybe the Royal Air Force or the U.S. Air Force can can work a deal to do a little training and help these guy's out.

BTW here are two more videos you really need to see. Go ahead I'll wait

Lake Erie Video explained part 1

Lake Erie Video explained part 2

Wow, Those UFO's sound just like commercial aircraft. Well it is not uncommon to have paranormal evidence turn out to not be what it is represented to be. The thing that really surprises me is that a well respected author like David Sereda let his credibility come into question by attaching his name to the first video and not getting on board with the other two. That is a mystery of the unexplained for another day.

Thanks for coming by. I look forward to your comments. and next time maybe we will tackle that chimp footage that some swear is a baby Bigfoot in the "New York Baby Video".

Last but not least.

David Biedny over at the Paracast Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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Why another paranormal blog???

I started this Blog to chronicle some of the idiotic stuff I see and here concerning the paranormal. I see alot of pictures of dust and tombstones that people want folks to believe are proof of the afterlife. I also see a huge amount airplane video that people want you to believe is proof of UFO's. Well I am not an educated paranormal researcher and I don't know the ins and outs of this kind of stuff but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. Of course if I am wrong it might be the duck like manifestation of a being from another dimension intruding in or current space time. but I don't think it is the case.

Anyway maybe together we paranormal idiot's can figure it out

Creative Commons License
Paranormal stuff for the simple minded by Richaed Bailey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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