Friday, May 23, 2008

Linda Moulton Howe

What the hell is wrong with this women?

Well let me back up a minute. My BS detector is running full tilt over this gal.

I understand that she is supposed to have graduated from Stanford with a Masters degree in communications. I also understand that
she has spent far to many years producing Television, Radio, and documentary films. I also understand that she has received three "Regional" Emmy awards (none for investigative reporting), a Peabody, and was an also ran for a national emmy. She has also
collected an arm ful of minor awards.

Now I am not here to list her entire resume. I am here to ask what the hell is wrong with this women? I had almost let go of the anger I had over her running around in west Texas a few years ago propagating the "Cattle Mutilation Myth". Come on Linda, every school kid in Texas knows what a cow looks like after it has cooked in the Texas summer sun for a couple of days. Let us not forget the opportunistic scavengers while I am thinking about. "Oh no, there is no way a varmint could have eaten the tongue out of that cow!" Damn Linda, you've done wildlife documentaries, Give me a break.

Well like I said I was almost over that. I thought she did a pretty good job with the great bee extinction of 2007. Some fine reporting in my opinion. Then she comes up with the fake "Chad" photos and we're off to the races again. For those that don't know in the summer of last year some photo shopped pictures appeared of a goofy looking supposed space ship with "Star Wars" lettering all over it. Well Linda is sure they are real. It doesn't matter that every imaging expert that has examined them has proclaimed them crap.

Now I don't care what a person does to their own creditability but there are folks that believe her. Ben Grundy over at Mysterious Universe is one of them. Now I have the highest regard for Ben. He is a top notch podcaster, but these "Chad" pictures are even starting to undermine his credibility.

All I ask is "Linda find something that is not so totally fake". Your turning into Whitley Strieber, He has been flogging the same grey aliens for thirty years and his credibility is none existant.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with your blog, Howe is completely full of it and is starting to become the Sylvia Browne of the UFO community.
I asked Howe a simple question once on the radio:"In the course of your investigations, have you ever been threatened, or felt like you were threatened by a government agency?"
She said she had, but didn't give any specifics on when, where or how. Then she just launched into a tangent on how she will never be silenced no matter what and she will continue to tell the truth.
Bullshit, total bullshit.

Where have all the real UFO investigators gone?